There are only limited areas presenting findings of potential pollution in the soil and subsoil of Cyprus, according to the conclusions of a symposium that took place in Nicosia, in which the Geochemical Atlas of Cyprus was released.

The symposium was hosted by the Geological Survey Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Cyprus.

Speaking during a press conference here today, the Director of the Department Eleni Georgiou-Morisseau said that, according to the symposium’s conclusions, the natural environment of Cyprus is in good standing and that potential pollution is located only in very limited areas.

Problematic areas, she went on, include urban areas, polluted by the impact of modern life style, as well as underground waters. Moreover, she noted that there is a high concentration of chemical elements in a relatively large area, in the valley of Polis Chrysochous, in the north-eastern part of Cyprus. These finding need to be further assessed, Morisseau noted

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