A CRACKDOWN on drivers on the school run has begun with the new academic year.

Barnet Council will tackle dangerous driving around the borough’s schools with unannounced visits from the council’s parking enforcement officers.

Vehicles will be issued with penalty charge notices, if they are found to be parked in an illegal or dangerous manner on double yellow lines, zig-zag and cross-hatch markings, kerbs and verges, obstructing drop kerbs and private driveways, parked in bus stops or double parking.

Brian Coleman, cabinet member for environment, said: “We are sending a strong message to those motorists who feel they have the right to flout the law by parking where they like. Parking controls are in place not only to keep traffic flowing, but to protect the safety of pedestrians and other road users.”

The crackdown comes after schools and residents raised concerns about parents’ parking at the start and end of the school day.

More than 185 fines were issued after 727 visits to 31 schools between May 9 and July 22.

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