GEORGE Michael has lost more than a stone after ten months of drugs counselling.

For a long time, his love for homemade, relaxing cigarettes with secret ingredients had him heading for the crisps and snacks section of his local petrol stations at unusual hours of the evening.

And at the opening show of his European tour in Prague on Monday night, he admitted giving up cannabis had helped him lose some timber.

He said: “I’ve been in counselling for substance abuse for nearly ten months, and part of the advantage of that is I’ve dropped about 14 or 15lbs. All my old clothes fit me.

“I wouldn’t say I’m looking in the mirror but it’s definitely one of the advantages of being cleaner.”

George also spoke about his time in prison last year, when he spent four weeks at a Suffolk jail for a drug-driving conviction.

He said: “I felt I had a bill to pay and I thought that prison was a logical conclusion to a very dark chapter.

“I wouldn’t say it was a good experience, but it was a logical experience.

“Of course within a week, because there was barely anything else to do in there, I was back hooked on the nicotine.

“Now I’m trying not to smoke cigarettes — what I’ve found is tweeting gives me something to do.”

Hampstead Heath will probably be a lot quieter of an evening, too.

Source: The Sun

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