Date: 22nd Aug 11 – 12th Sep 11

Every week

Location: Civic Centre Conference Room EN1 3XA

Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Cost: Free

For more information, you can call 07950 624369.

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Oppurtunity for 11-19 Year olds to stand as Enfield Youth Parliament Candidates in their area

 Enfield Area Youth Forums are calling out to the youn! g people of Enfield, who are passionate about making changes to their local area and the lives of young people. If you are a young person who wants to be involved in how Enfield Council makes decisions about services for young people, here is a great opportunity to put yourself forward to stand in the up and coming Enfield Youth Parliament (EYP) Elections.

Aged 11-18 and want to make a difference? Consider joining theYouth Parliament, set to launch for the first time in Enfield .

The UK Youth Parliament has 600 elected

MYPs (Members of Youth Parliament) across the UK who are elected in annual

youth elections. Any young person aged 11-18 can stand or vote and once elected

MYPs organise events and projects, run campaigns and influence decision makers

on the issues which matter most to them.

Enfield is now taking the first steps in establishing

its own Youth Parliament and at the end of September about 30 young people from

all parts of the borough met up to set the agenda that will get the ball

rolling. The young pioneers were recruited from area youth forums and local

groups and are keen to prepare the ground for an effective body that will keep

local politicians on their toes.

James Roberts aged 18, said: “This is

a real opportunity to get our voice heard. We want to interest more young

people in the youth parliament and I am excited that we now have council

backing to help us plan for it.”

Before the meeting, Cllr Bambos, cabinet member for young people said, “I want to see young


people seize this opportunity to get their views and ideas onto the political

stage and begin to understand the value in getting involved. This interim

parliament builds the foundation for next year when the youth parliament takes

off. It will be able to influence the council and other organisations in the

borough and as local politicians we are keen to hear what its members have to


Cllr Ayfer Orhan, cabinet member for

education and children’s services, added, “I am looking forward to hearing

the ideas that our young people are putting forward – and I hope that we shall

be able to act on them. This is an important and exciting process where young

people will have the platform they deserve for their generation.”

At this first meeting members decided the frequency

of their meetings and their specific roles. A chairperson and minute takers

were appointed and leading members will take up roles as portfolio holders.

It is likely that the interim parliament

will meet six times a year, but a number of working sub groups will also be set

up to develop particular projects and policies. Members will also be taking

part in the Enfield Strategic Partnership Board and the children’s scrutiny


Andrew Fraser, co-director for education,

children’s services and leisure, said, “The contribution that young people

can make to these meetings is very important. It is their experiences that will

help us to improve our existing services and truly involve young people in the

planning stages.”

What do you think about Enfield’s youth having a voice? Is it important to interest our young people in politics? Do you support the Youth Parliament? Have your say below.

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