Cyprus is to be allocated about seven million euro from the EU External Borders Fund for 2012, compared to three million in 2011, according to a European Commission proposal.
According to the official EU website, the European Commission proposes that the EU External Borders Fund allocates three hundred and seventy million euro to member states in 2012.
This envelope will be available under the External Borders Fund to support investments in member states and non-EU countries participating in Schengen, in particular those most affected by increased migratory pressures.
“The available support by the External Borders Fund will significantly increase in 2012. The proposed allocation is a concrete example of EU solidarity in action and will help enhancing border security and visa management“, said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstrom.
Indicatively, Italy is to receive fifty two million euro compared to thirty two last year, Greece forty four million euro compared to forty and Malta almost fifteen million euro compared to two million seven hundred thousand euro allocated in 2011.
The amount allocated to national programmes in 2012 (321.9 million euro) will increase by 35% compared to 2011.
The rest is to be used for transnational actions and actions of interest to the EU (22.2 million euro), specific actions at specific border sections (10 million euro) and the special transit scheme for Russian citizens traveling to Kaliningrad through Lithuania (16 million euro).