Elizabeth Sinodinos is the new president of SEKA – Justice for Cyprus committee. Sinodinos brings with her a strong commitment to the Cyprus issue, an extensive background in foreign affairs issues and law, and also a youthful energy.
“Our parents generation lived through these issues and being the younger generation we haven’t, but we do feel their pain,” said Sinodinos.
“As the younger generation we should try not to be apathetic and we should try and keep the issue alive. I think we need to use social networks and the internet to keep the issue alive with the younger generation.”
Sinodinos’s involvement with SEKA began while she was living in Canberra. There she joined PSEKA and her involvement with the international arm of the Justice for Cyprus committee enabled her to be aware of what was going on a national level. Although she was asked a number of times by former President Michael Christodoulou to join SEKA, she waited till the timing was right and she could put all her energy to achieving her main goal.
“Justice for Cyprus would be ideal,” Sinodinos told Neos Kosmos would be her main focus while president of SEKA.
“We as a community in Australia are going to keep the Cyprus issue on the agenda because sometimes it does take the intervention of outsiders to try and broker a resolution. I would like to keep the issue alive and well on both the state and national agenda and for it to be on the forefront of politicians minds. And to work with the community to represent their interests and views.”
Sinodinos admits that although she has big boots to fill, she is certain that she will get the job done.
Source: Neos Kosmos