President of the House of Representatives Yiannakis Omirou said that the continuing Turkish intransigence leads the negotiation process, aiming at finding a comprehensive solution in the Cyprus problem, to stagnation and deadlock.
Omirou was speaking in the memorial service of Cypriot National Guard chief Lieutenant General Evangelos Florakis and four other officers that were killed in a helicopter accident in Cyprus, in 2002.
“We declare our steadfast refusal to accept the faits accomplis of the Turkish crime and our insistence on a democratic, functional and viable solution, on the basis of the principles of international and European law, a solution that our people deserve”, said Omirou.
Moreover, in statements to the press, Omirou said that there is not much room for optimism regarding the meeting in the Swiss city of Geneva between the President of the Republic Demetris Christofias, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the Turkish Cypriot leader Dervish Eroglu, due to Turkey’s stance vis-a-vis the negotiation process during the last two and half years