Turkish Cypriot daily Yeni Duzen (07.06.11) reports that Ersin Tatar, self-styled finance minister of the breakaway regime in the occupied area of Cyprus, has argued that the regime needs population. In statements yesterday to a private TV channel, Tatar said that if the Turkish Cypriots want to work in other places such as banks or the “state”, this means that people who will work in “inferior service groups” are needed.
Tatar noted that they will continue to live together with their “citizens” who came from Turkey after 1974, as he described the illegal Turkish settlers. He criticized those who think differently and said: “We need population. We have to be careful. If the society will advance, if it will develop economically, we should not be conservative in the globalized world. The ‘Cyprus belongs to the Cypriots’ mentality ties our hands. Some population policies are drawn up according to the needs of the country?If your own people want to work in other places such as banks or the state, this means that there is a need for people who will work in the inferior service groups. These people will settle here, they will stay here. We have to look how we will turn this issue into our advantage?”
Meanwhile, Turkish Cypriot daily Gunes (07.06.11) reports that speaking yesterday at the “assembly”, Irsen Kucuk, self-styled prime minister of the breakaway regime, said that it is not possible to give to no one the “citizenship” of the regime. He argued that no one was granted the “citizenship” during the past couple of months except persons who became “citizens” due to marriage. He noted that the “citizenship” will be granted when this is necessary, as long as the marriage is not bogus.