THE day after the election for the House presidency found DIKO reeling from the actions of rebel MP Zacharias Koulias from Rizokarpasso not to support his party’s leader and instead give the deciding vote to EDEK chairman Yiannakis Omirou who won the second highest post in the Republic.
Omirou, with Koulias’ vote, won Thursday’s contest 28 to 27, beating DIKO leader Marios Garoyian who had the backing of ruling AKEL.
Hardliner Koulias said he did not vote for Garoyian because that would have been an endorsement of his party’s alliance with AKEL, which he opposes.
He said for three years Garoyian had tolerated the concessions made by President Demetris Christofias in the reunification talks and “I was in no mood to act as the guardian of Mr. Christofias’ concessions.”
Source: Cyprus Mail