A HOLIDAY grant scheme is being offered as of June 24 until December 31, 2011 for disabled people, by the Department of Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
The aim of the scheme is to fund the food and board of the disabled and their families or carers at the hotel of their choice for seven nights.
For each night €45 will be granted to the applicant, €45 for his or her spouse or carer, €23 for a child over the age of two and up to the age of 12, and €34 for a child over the age of 12, still dependant on it parents.
For those interested they can pick up a form at the Department’s offices on K. Kavafi street, north wing of the Higher Technical Institute in Aglandjia or from the website www.mlsi.gov.cy/dsid. They can also call on 22 406 406, 22406 497
Applications will be accepted up until June 15.
Source: Cyprus Mail