Cyprus trade deficit for January – March 2011 declined by 1.31% compared to the corresponding period of 2010, figures released by Cyprus` Statistical Service show.
According the monthly report “Intra-Extra EU Trade Statistics (Summarised Data)” for March 2011, Cyprus` trade deficit reached 1.227,1 million euro in January-March 2011 compared to 1.243,5 million in the same period of 2010.
Total imports/arrivals for March 2011 (covering total imports from third countries and arrivals from other member states) in January-March 2011 amounted to 1.560,8 mn euro compared to 1.510,5 mn in January-March 2010, whereas total exports/dispatches (covering total exports to third countries and dispatches to other member states) in January-March 2011 were 333.7 mn compared to 266,9 mn in January-March 2010.
During March total imports/arrivals (covering total imports from third countries and arrivals from other member states) amounted to at 582.2 mn euro.