Cyprus Leaders reach agreement – guide lines – United Cyprus.

The leaders of the two communities Cyprus President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu have reached an agreement on guidelines on international treaties binding on a united Cyprus.

Speaking after a direct meeting between the two leaders, here today, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Lisa Buttenheim said that “the leaders have reached a convergence, they have agreed on this”, adding that “they have a convergence paper and they now have guidelines that will help the Sub-Committee that will be starting to meet very soon”.

Buttenheim explained to the press that “in accordance with the guidelines that the leaders agreed there, will be a sub-committee that reviews the list of treaties that will be binding on a united Cyprus”. She added that the sub-committee had existed before, however it had not met since December 2009, noting that “this is important that they were able to reach agreement today”.

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