Bomb attack against the chairman of the Turkish Cypriot-Russian Business Council
Under the title “The intention was murder”, Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris (30.05.11) reports that a bomb attack was conducted on Saturday night against (the Turkish settler) Cetin Atalay, chairman of the Turkish Cypriot-Russian Business Council and former chairman of the National Justice Party (MAP).
In statements to Kibris, Atalay said that Yucel Irmak, the person who was arrested by the “police” as the perpetrator of the attack, has been living for 7-8 years in the occupied area of Cyprus and entered with a false identity card.
Atalay’s house was guarded by the “police” because another bomb attack against him was conducted 40 days ago. Irmak was arrested red-handed.
Atalay described Irmak as a “provocateur” who infiltrated the MAP and wondered how he could live on the island for so many years with a false identity card. He also wondered how Irmak could find out that he arrived in the occupied area only twelve hours after his arrival.
Referring to the same issue, Turkish Cypriot daily Havadis (30.05.11) reports that Atalay stated that he closely knew the arrested person, not by the name Yucel Irmak, but as “Recep”. He said that “Recep” was living for six years in the “hearths of the ideal” (Grey Wolves) in occupied Cyprus. Earlier “Recep” was in MAP, Atalay said.
Recalling that he is one of the founders of the Cultural Association of the people coming from the Black Sea area in occupied Cyprus, Atalay said that the aim of the attack was to murder him and added: “I believe that the aim was to murder me today, my friend Kenan Akin from Adana tomorrow and another person from Turkey the day after tomorrow”.
Moreover, Turkish Cypriot daily Haberdar (30.05.11) reports that Irmak admitted that the reason for his action was that Atalay “did something wrong to the state”. Haberdar writes that this confession was “a shattering piece of news”.