The President of the House of Representatives Marios Garoyian has called on voters to go to the polls in next month’s parliamentary elections, following recent surveys suggesting that the coming elections will be marked by high abstention.“The parliamentary elections of May 22 take place at a time when Cyprus faces serious problems,“ Garoyian said, addressing the last House plenary session before the elections, adding “the Cyprus problem is in a particularly delicate and crucial phase and the consequences of the global financial crisis create new pressing problems to the Cypriot economy and the Cypriot people.“
“Abstaining from the elections means refraining from assuming responsibility. It means abolishing the most important right the citizens have,“ he added.

Garoyian called on the young people to “take the country`s future in their own hands,“ noting that they have many options.
“There is the rewarding vote, the punishing vote, the rejecting vote; the applauding vote, the vote of support, the vote of criticism and the correcting vote. They will decide, but surely abstention is not a responsible option,“ he added.



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