Cypriot New York Celebration
Cypriots celebrate in Astoria, New York
Minister of Health Christos Patsalides and Archbishop Demetrios of America, joined the Cyprus Federation of America and the International Coordinating Committee Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA), in Astoria, New York the 55th anniversary of the 1955-59 EOKA campaign.
Addressing the event, Patsalides said that by honouring the great moments in history, “we can draw plenty of lessons for the continuation and fulfillment of a struggle that has not yet been vindicated”.
”The liberation and reunification of Cyprus remains the aim of our current struggle. So all the messages through these events must have an impact in our today’s struggle”, he said.
Patsalides added that the past events should inspire Cypriots to face their current national problems based on the eternal values of freedom, justice and human dignity.
He added that in a new European environment, Cyprus with a new national confidence may open the door to get into a new historical cycle, leaving behind a painful and bloody past.
In his speech Archbishop Demetrios, recall his own memories of the protests in Greece during the period of ’55 struggle.
The Archbishop pointed out that despite the “difficult path for the freedom of Cyprus”, the Greeks have behind them a powerful story that will guide them until the final victory.
Source: Cyprus Weekly
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