A large scale search & rescue exercise takes place on Saturday and Sunday in Larnaka, aiming at further training civil defence officers by German federal agency THW members.

The exercise scenario involves a search & rescue operation after a large scale earthquake in Cyprus, as a result of which buildingsĀ  collapsed, people died or were wounded while many were trapped in the wreckage. Following the earthquake electricity was cut and telecommunications were also out, something which created additional problems.

In statements to the media, Civil Defence Commander Andreas Frantzis said that the exercise takes place in the context of the agency`s effort to enhance its team`s abilities.

Five experts from Germany have traveled to Cyprus following a request by the Cypriot Civil Defence “aiming to record our abilities in dealing with a serious earthquake,” he said, adding that the ultimate goal is “to improve our abilities to rescue people after a catastrophic earthquake.”

Adequately trained volunteer search & rescue teams with the appropriate equipment are taking part in the exercise.

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