Doros Partasides, Mayor of Barnet Brian Salinger and Lisa Rutter

In the British traditional way, with full ceremonial service, the old Mayor of Barnet Cllr David Longstaff transferred the Mayoral Chain of Office to newly elected Cllr Brian Salinger, followed by the replacement of Deputy Mayor Sury Khatri to Val Duschinsky.

The new Jewish Mayor gave a very emotional speech on the honour he had received from his colleagues; he also mentioned his long career as a Councillor starting in Haringey until today in Barnet, the biggest council in metropolitan London.

Among the 63 councillors and his family, guests at the ceremony included Doros Partasides, our compatriot photographer who also received one of Barnet’s civic awards in 2008.

During the reception, Clllr Lisa Rutter and Doros Partasides marked the day by taking a photo with the new Mayor. It is worth mentioning that Barnet is twin towned with the under occupation town of Morfou. The Mayor of Morfou with a team of councillors will pay an official visit next week as a guest of Barnet Council.


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