In references made today in a speech on the Cyprus economy, the Finance Minister reiterated the Government’s familiar narrative. He again spoke about promoting privatizations, implementing policies and development projects to the benefit of the privileged few and about continuing the economic policy which it has been pursuing so far.

Of course he failed to refer to the fall in wages in the private sector and to the constant exodus of young people abroad in search of work, neither did he refer to the difficulties households and small businesses are facing in repaying their loans. And he certainly did not make any mention about the widening income gap between the rich and the poor over the last four years.

These are all the result of their policies. It is therefore advisable for the government to put aside its slogans and address in a serious and sensitive manner the many problems citizens and society are confronted with.

Statement by Charis Polycarpou, member of the C.C. of AKEL


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